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​Nau mai haere mai ki tēnei wāhi haumaru o Kia Kaha Māmā.

Welcome to the online space of

 Kia Kaha Mama

Nau mai, haere mai ki tēnei wāhi haumaru o Kia Kaha Māmā,​

 Welcome to the Kia Kaha MāmāWebsite!


It is no coincidence that you have come across Kia Kaha Māmā, as it indicates that you are looking for a bit more tautoko | support, during your journey as a Māmā.

I am a registered Midwife in Aotearoa New Zealand and have also attained

my Life Coaching Diploma.

Kia Kaha Māmā is brought to you with the enrichment of

blending 15 years of clinical experience within Midwifery,

alongside my own personal experiences as a Māmā and

wahine with a strong upbringing in traditional Mātauranga Māori and Tikanga. 

I offer wahine a holistic wellbeing coaching service that specializes in

empowering your Mana,  by connecting you with your divinity

and supporting your personal development

through the lens of the Goddess and Healer archetypes, embodied within you.

No matter how many times we enter the sacred realm of hapūtanga | pregnancy,

we walk between physical and spiritual worlds, a gift only wāhine

as 'Te Whare Tangata' | House of humanity, have been bestowed through our wombs.

Kia Kaha Māmā envisions to empower all wāhine | women

who enter the realm of hapūtanga; are strong, healthy and confident to birth their pēpi

and to care for them in a protective and positive manner

that strengthens attachment and bonding,

thus promoting infant wellbeing, and raising a new era of tangata | people.


Through attaining positive stress relief strategies,

we welcome a new worldview to navigate daily life challenges. 

With personal and professional experience utilising the ancient lunar calendar

to guide our holistic wellbeing as Māmā and I will teach you the same.

Kōrero mai | contact me, to learn more and start your journey to reclaim

your personal power, self-love and self-investment practices,

empowering you to build resilience and create, gestate, transform, birth

and nurture a new generation without fear.

Mā te Io e manaaki | with universal blessings,

 Kaniwa xo

Services I provide

As a māmā, I am deeply invested into the holistic wellbeing of our tamariki | children and their future. This starts within the womb, thus making maternal holistic wellbeing my passion. Wahine | women are natural multipliers, so investing into 'hine', invests into the strengthening of our whakapapa | bloodlines,

humanity and our planet.

Publications &

Board memberships

Tapu i te wa hapū: Exploring the wairuatanga of te whare tangata research

Midwifery &

Kia Kaha Māmā


Hapūtanga wānanga: Pregnancy Education online workshops

Tirea Transformation

& Rākaunui Releasing

Wellbeing workshops


The Journey Towards wholistic wellbeing, begins on the Path of Self Love. Begin Your Journey Today.

Leaf Pattern Design

Wāhine mā | Ladies,
keep up to date with me on my socials!

Book Now

Check out my blogs!

Welcome to a space where advocacy meets everyday empowerment! Dive into topics that matter—from reproductive justice and women’s rights to holistic wellbeing, whānau | family support, and more.


Whether you're seeking budgeting hacks, tips for urban homesteading, self-sustainability insights, or guidance on the maramataka, healthy relationships, and raising tamariki, you’ll find inspiration here for every facet of life.


Let’s journey together towards knowledge, balance, and a thriving future!

Kaniwa gently showed me after the birth of my son that I was in a relationship that did not value me, as a partner or as the mother of our new baby. She went above and beyond, cooking me food to eat, after I had given birth and had returned home. I had no family support and my (ex) partner worked on the farm. I learnt that I'm the architect of my own and my baby's future. I command my own value. Kaniwa sparked strength into me and she taught me how to exit safely a relationship riddled with domestic abuse, she kept in touch until I was safe with my family. I will never forget what you have done for me= and my baby.

CJ, Australia

Kaniwa is the “Kaha” in Kia Kaha Mama. She reminds me every day to step into my Kaha, my Mana and embrace all there is to being Wahine Māori. Sometimes we forget about the strength that we have, but Kaniwa will make sure you never forget you have it! Kia Kaha Mama embraces living life purposefully!

Cheanne, Gisborne

After having a traumatic birth as a 16 year old Mama to a prem baby, I didn't know that birth could be so EMPOWERING. She helped me to navigate through my pregnancy, I genuinely felt cared for and so did my friends and clients I knew who had been cared for by her too.  Kaniwa helped me to see the power within me and change the way I had looked at birth. My journey with her, provided me with a healing birth experience, which directly impacted upon me as a Mama and allowed me to deeply  bond with my daughter.

Tiare, Auckland


Let's Connect!

Ngā mihi nui!


Phone: +64 21 028 91937

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